Integral Eye Movement Therapy for Quick Change?

IEMT Integral Eye Movement Therapy

IEMT, or Integral Eye Movement Therapy, has become quite popular in Europe, some calling it the next evolution in EMDR.

First, it’s important to acknowledge that Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) doesn’t make any claims. It’s a new modality, and people are still doing research on it. There are a few studies that are promising, but it’s really not known exactly how it works and exactly what it’s doing. It’s certainly not a miracle cure, and doesn’t work for everyone.

As a practitioner I’m often asked what exactly are some of the things IEMT can help with.

Here are a couple things I suggest to clients to prepare for our session:

1) Specific Negative Memories (3-4 is fine)

Please make a note of some specific memories that you want to work on. You do NOT need to give any details of what happened, you only need to give a label for the experience.

Please ensure that when you access these memories that there is a visual representation (you can see it) and there is an emotional connection (you can feel it).

2) Negative Emotions (2-3 is best)

Please write down any emotions you are currently experiencing that you would like to address. You can also think of triggers and upcoming events that you feel negatively about.

Really good emotions to work on are: guilt, anger, regret, remorse, sadness, frustration, temper and jealousy.

In each instance think about what causes you to feel this way. For example “when I think of my neighbor taking my favorite parking spot, I feel angry”.

3) An Area of Your Life You Want to Improve

In IEMT we focus on identity work and how people behave in certain situations. We are different people in different situations and we are looking to pinpoint where it is people are wanting to change.

Please think of at least area of your life you want to work on, and then make it very specific. For example you might want to improve your performance at work. Focus in, so this might be when your manager gives you a deadline or if you have to work in a group etc. Being in meetings with superiors is also very common.

4) Nicknames and/or Labels

It is quite common that we gather nicknames or labels throughout our life. These can be given to us by friends, family or society. For example “black sheep of the family”, “the joker of the pack” or “spinster.”

Please make a note of any nicknames or labels that you have acquired, particularly ones that you have a negative emotional connection to.

5) Limiting Beliefs

We all have limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in life. These beliefs are usually down to experiences we have been through. One way of finding your own limiting beliefs is thinking about something you want to do, allow yourself to feel the resistance, then ask yourself “why can’t I do this thing?”

Most common limiting beliefs include: I am not good enough, I am vulnerable, I am unlovable, I am ugly and I don’t deserve love. Make a note of your own, remember that you don’t have to disclose these you can simple give a label such as “limiting belief x.”

6) Other People you Have Issues With

IEMT not only works on our own identity issues, but also how we internalise the representations of others. We are able to work on family members, colleagues, ex-partners and anyone else who you have issues with.

Make a note of people who you have an internal negative relationship with to work on.

7) A Decision/Incident that You Regret or Ruminate on

We all have things that we have done, or not done, or have had happen to us that we regret. We often think about what could have been rather than facing reality.

Such incidents may include: leaving a partner, turning down a job, getting divorced etc. Make a note of at least one thing that you look back on and regret. Again you can just use a label.

If you wish to know more, contact me or book a free consultation for changing your life today!

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