I offer Integral Eye Movement Therapy. IEMT works by asking the client to think of a negative memory while they follow my finger moving their eyes in certain patterns.
First, it’s important to acknowledge that Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) doesn’t make any claims. It’s a new modality, and people are still doing research on it. There are a few studies that are promising, but it’s really not known exactly how it works and exactly what it’s doing. It’s certainly not a miracle cure, and doesn’t work for everyone.
Many believe this is similar to REM. When we sleep our mind consolidates memories with eye movement accessing cues.
Essentially, the idea is that in short term, or sense memory, we are still reacting to an event. The mind believes it is still happening and so causes an emotion to cause us to take action about the event.
Obviously, one cannot take action about something that happened years ago. So, we are just stuck with the useless emotions, of anxiety or depression or anything else.
IEMT may be helping to move the memory from short term to long term memory, where the mind realizes the event has passed and no longer needs to take action.
Now, we have for the first time measured the effects of EMT with QEEG scanner.
First-ever measurement results with QEEG scanner show that after 1 IEMT session:
° there is more emotional peace
° repair connections in the brain and provide better balance

How do you see that on the picture below?

On the top is measurement for IEMT, on the bottom is measurement 20 min after 1 IEMT session.
° on top 2 rules: emotional rest is where the white is (the 5 heads per rule are the different types of brain frequencies)
° on rule 3 to 5: No lines means: there’s a healthy balance. Blue lines : too little activity
Red lines : too much activity
° on the picture after IEMT at high beta shows that the brain is actively processing the session (measurement was 20 min session)
Want to know more? Read the article by Anne ten Brinke, IEMT trainer and involved in the research of Brain Clinicism University of Maastricht HERE.
More about IMET HERE.