My Training

Besides being a Certified Master Coach I’ve been certified and trained in numerous modalities.

I’ve been rigorously trained in the 3 Pillar model for Attachment Repair created by Dan Brown and David Elliott in their book, Attachment Disturbances: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair. 

I’ve completed Daniel Brown’s Attachment Disturbances Clinical Training module course.

I’ve Completed Level I & II 3 Pillars Ideal Parent Figure Protocol Masterclass with Dr Zach Bein at, and have had his supervision. 

*Finally, I am in David Elliott’s Group supervision class for 3 Pillar Integrative Attachment Therapy. 

I’m also trained in IFS Internal Family Systems, Level 1 Stepping Stone by Derek Scott.

*Certified in IEMT Integral Eye Movement Therapy

*Certified Clinical Resource Therapist (Parts Work)

*CPD Certified Master Coach

*Member of The Memory Reconsolidation Elite Coaching Academy

Listing HERE

*Ego State Therapy Training from Ego State Therapy International (ESTI)

*Certified Level III Integrative Somatic Parts Work, trained by Fran Booth from the IFS Institute

*Janina Fisher’s Level 1 Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment.

* Rapid Resolution Therapy Training

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